Maria Silvina Echeveste
  • Spanish
  • english
Along history, the techniques used in painting have been diverse. There are traditional processes such as oil painting, watercolor painting, tempera painting, etc. Contemporary techniques include synthetic paints, acrylic resins, polyvinyl acetate, etc. To this wide range of materials, support media such as wood, cardboard, cotton and linen canvas, sheet glass, sheet metal, etc., are added.

The ageing process; the organic matter decomposition in addition to changes in temperature and humidity; the photochemical effects of light; as well as, insects and microorganisms attacks; and inadequate handling are the causes of serious deterioration.

In order to determine the kind of intervention a painting requires a previous thorough and methodical study is carried out. An adequate restoration treatment will give back the piece of art its stability and integrity, preserving it for the future.